- Bachelor of Legal and Social Sciences, University of Chile (2017).
- International Academy for Arbitration Law. Course in international commercial arbitration, in Paris, France, July 2016.
- LLM in International Law, Investments, and Trade, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (2021—2022).
- LLM in Business Law for Foreign Lawyers, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2022—2023).
- Arbitration Alumni. President of the Latin American association of former participants, arbitrators, and coaches of the International Arbitration Competition, from September 2019 to present, and member of the Steering Committee, from 2018 to present.
- Chilean Association of Private International Law. Full member and board member since 2016 and 2018, respectively, to present.
- Santiago Very Young Arbitration Practitioners. Member of the Executive Committee, from May 2018 to March 2020, and associate since May 2018 to present.
- Professor of Procedural Law at Andrés Bello National University (2020-2022).
- Honorary assistant in the chair of Private International Law and International Arbitration Competition, taught by Professor Eduardo Picand, from 2015 to
December 2018.
- Francisco Orrego Vicuña Award granted by the Department of International Law of the University of Chile for being the top graduate of her generation in the field of International Law (2021).
- Mentor of the Year, awarded by the XIII edition of the International Arbitration Competition organized by the University of Buenos Aires (2020).
- Academic Excellence Award granted by the Ministry of Education of Chile (2006).
- “Extending the Arbitration Agreement to Non-Signatory Parties in International Commercial Arbitration,” El Jurista publishing, 2018, ISBN: 978-956-367-033-2.
Recent Articles
- “Property and Real Rights in Chilean Private International Law: A Proposal for Reform,” from the V Journal of the Chilean Association of Private International Law, 2019, pp. 60-70.
- “Polish Commercial Company Bakalland S.A. with Agroprodex International S.A. Case No. 24,348-2017” from the III Journal of the Chilean Association of Private International Law, 2017, pp. 159-166.
- Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration
- Civil and Commercial Litigation
- Ovalle & Bulnes. Associated lawyer specialized in high-complexity arbitrations and civil litigation, from September 2019 to present.
- Mena & Guijón. Associated lawyer in charge of civil litigation and arbitrations, representing national and foreign clients, from July 2015 to August 2019.